
Fuel a love for learning that leads to meaningful, measurable growth

Fuel a love for learning that leads to meaningful, measurable growth

Oxford Reading Club offers a smart way to read digital graded readers by Oxford University Press. Multi-skill language practice improves listening, reading, speaking and vocabulary. Read your way to better English with Oxford Reading Club.
Fuel a love for learning that leads to meaningful, measurable growth

Proven to strengthen essential literacy skills

Proven to strengthen essential literacy skills

Learn more about AIOxford’s efficacy and evidence-based learning design.

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Reading Stars

“If I had to choose only one digital tool to employ in my classroom, Oxford Reading Club (3-8) wins hands down.” - Ms Tracy, Kindergarten Principle
Reading Stars

Oxford Phonics World Readers

“The experiences mirror professional scientists’ authentic work, requiring students to use their reasoning skills…and deep thought rather than recall.” - Science Teacher, KS
Oxford Phonics World Readers

Happy Readers

“AIOxfoed gets an A+ from my family, [it’s] the only educational app they look forward to each evening." - Parent, TN
Happy Readers

Oxford Read and Discover

“You can feel [students’] excitement. The whole class knows we’re about to learn a lot, see a lot, think about a lot, and most likely, laugh a few times, too.” - Teacher., TX
Oxford Read and Discover
Meets ESSA Tier 2 requirements and is proven to raise academic achievement.
Awarded two certifications for research-based design and learner variability.
Recognized for enhancing best practices of digital age teaching and learning.
AIOxford earned the Common Sense seal for quality and impact.

Featured on the blog

There are many reasons why you might feel like you're not making progress in learning English. Here are some common causes and ways to address them
To retain the English knowledge you have learned, you can apply the following strategies:
Combining the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing is an effective way to improve your English proficiency. Here are some suggestions on how to integrate these skills into your daily study routine
To improve listening and understanding skills in English, you can apply the following strategies and methods:
Grammar is crucial in learning English for several reasons: Cl...
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